The Seven Spectacular Reasons You Need To Get Your Hands On Hydros This Summer!

The Seven Spectacular Reasons You Need To Get Your Hands On Hydros This Summer!

Written by Hydros Life

Hello, summer!

It’s the season of extended days at the beach, weekend barbeques in the backyard and picnics in the park – and for most of us, it means plenty of fun in the sun!

But once the temperatures rise and those hot days and steamy nights kick in, drinking enough water (more importantly, filtered water) becomes even more vital, especially when you’ve got your entire family’s health and wellness at stake!

That’s where Hydros comes in.

It’s the game-changing secret to changing the way you drink water.

Want to know how Hydros can help?

  1. It’s your best bet against tap water!
Made from coconut shell carbon in a BPA Free casing, the Hydros Multi Filter
removes 90% chlorine and particulates 100x smaller than the leading filter. If you thought your tap water was safe, it just got safer, fresher and tastier!
  1. It’s your fastest option for filtered water!

With Fast Flo tech that works 5x faster than the leading competitor, Hydros is your fastest alternative to fresh, filtered water! Why waste time waiting for water when you can fill the Hydros bottle in under 20 seconds?

Think about all the things you can do with all the free time!

  1. It’s the most on-trend fashion accessory!

Hydros isn’t just your fastest option to get access to fresh, filtered water; it’s the most fashionable one too.   (How about mention how many celebrities are focusing on ocean preservation/water….) With our intuitive design, our bottles aren’t just beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to hold, they are the perfect summer accessories to carry around as you hydrate yourself around the clock!

Like we say, we don’t settle for anything less than perfection.

  1. It’s the perfect solution to get water-on-the-go!

Whether you are sweating it out at the gym, sprinting across town on your morning run or trudging up the hill for a weekend hike, Hydros gets you access to great-tasting water on the go!

No more stopping over at the convenience store. No more apprehension over using the public water cooler. No more excuses.

  1. It’s light enough for the whole family to pour!

Say goodbye to heavy water jugs and bulky reservoirs! Because of our fast-flo tech filters and efficient design, we end us using less materials overall. What does that mean?

It means that the Hydros pitcher is light (and safe) enough for the whole family to pour and drink out of – yes, your children included.

After all, healthier families make for happier families, don’t they?

  1. It lets you do your bit for the environment!

Hydros is good for everyone, including our planet. We’ve already told you why you need to ditch the disposable. In fact, we don't use ion exchange resin or plastic microbeads that are used in multiple water filtration systems because they can pollute our oceans.

We also give back 1% off our sales to various water charities to do our bit for the environment (so that you can too). Our commitment to keep oceans clean is important to us.

Just like you are.

  1. But most importantly, it is universal!  What about “One and done”?

Confused over using our bottle, pitcher or carafe? No problem! The Hydros Multi Filter works with all three vessels – no confusion, no stress!

Only pure drinking water.

Now drink up and brighten your life this summer.

With nothing else, but Hydros.

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